Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Assumptions in static JSSP

The following are assumptions that assumed in this project related to JSSP:

  • A set multiple operation jobs are available for the processing at start time zero. i.e., each job requires m operations and each operation requires a different machine.
    The processing time must be non-negative.
  • Once an operation initiates, processing of an operation must be uninterrupted until its completion in particular machine.
    • Each machine can process only one operation at a time
    • Mean Flow Time and setup time of job is negligible or zero.
    • The operations are interrelated by two kinds of constraints.
  • Each operation of Ji to be scheduled after all predecessor operations is completed.
  • The operations of Ji have to be processed in a given order.
  • Operation of Ji can only be scheduled if the machine it requires is idle.

The problem consists in finding a schedule of the operations on the machines, taking into account the precedence constraints, which minimizes the make-span (Cmax), that is, the completion time of the last operation completed in the schedule (Eim).

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