Saturday, February 14, 2009

Description of Job Shop Scheduling

The n x m JSSP can be described by a set of n jobs {Ji} 1≤ i ≥ n which is to be processed on a set of m machines {Mk} 1≤ k ≥ m in a technological sequence of machines. The processing of job Ji on machine Mk for an uninterrupted duration {Tik}1≤ i ≥ n, 1≤ k ≥ m called processing time and completion times for each operation {Eik}1≤ i ≥ n, 1≤ k ≥ m that satisfies constraints. The time required to complete all the jobs is called the make-span Cmax and is equal to Eim. The objective is to optimizing this general problem to determine the schedule which minimizes Cmax. The Conceptual model of JSSP can be describes as below:

  1. Objective function

    1. Cmax* = Min(Cmax)

  1. Subject to:

    1. Eik ≥ Ei(k-1)+Tik

    2. Eik ≥ E(i-1)k+Tik

    3. Eik ≥ 0

Where i=1, …, n and k=1, …, m

Thus the (1) objective function is minimizes the make-span and (2) constraints, impose the precedence relations between operations and finally forces the completion time to be non-negative.

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